Music I have been Listening to Recently

Keywords: #music
I haven’t really talked about my good taste in music other than maybe once on fedi. So I am feeling obligated to spread the gospel of my good taste in music to the selected ones who are lucky enough to subscribe to my blog, the holy trinity of shitpost, schizopost, and Linux sponsored ad. Radio Since the beginning of the pandemic, I developed the habit of listening to Internet radios


Keywords: #opinions

On Happiness

Keywords: #opinions
You know how most of those low-quality mass produced articles and your cynical high school essays titled “On xxx” usually begin with the template “what is xxx exactly? according to Wikipedia/Meriam-Webster, xxx means [insert Ctrl+p], in other words, [insert paraphrases]”? It is considered a cliché attention grabber yet also the safest as immature attempts at starting an essay revolving around a specific noun either results

Share Files Between QEMU/KVM Host and Guest (SFTP + 9p-virtio + virtiofs + Samba + NFS)

Keywords: #tech
There is a variety of options to choose from for file sharing between the host and a QEMU/KVM virtual machine. This post is a collection of them. SFTP If your goal is just to occasionally share a file with no need for it to be synchronized, SFTP would do the trick. Find your IP address through ifconfig or ip addr and make sure your ssh port is open. Make a connection and use get to download files or put to upload files like what you usually do.

Strategies and Advices For Spades

Keywords: #game
As the title says, just some random strategies and advices for the famous card game Spades. I tried to make them organized but they are still a bit messy. This article assumes that you do not have a long term partner whom you can negotiate conventions with. Bidding Regular Bid Always count Aces for non-spade suits and Kings if the suit has <6 cards. Do not count anything below Queen for non-spade.

I Hate Phones

Keywords: #shitpost
As the title reads, I hate phones, and so should every sane person. If you don’t, you either belong to tech illiterate consoomers or even worse, you partake in the uwu TeCh EnThUsIaSt cult. Good for you, sheepie. Keep kissing your rectangular box and complaining about it robbing you of your time. Why do I hate phones? Well, for quite some reasons. First allow me to dump Apple out of the door since I do not acknowledge this company.

Do We Still Need God?

Keywords: #opinions
It is commonly argued that religion, or to be precise, Christianity in particular, has been declining in western civilization along with the rise of secularism and atheism. Younger generations who claim to be religious are likely to consider it part of collective identity, instead of the traditional definition of holding a belief in higher entities. One of the examples would be the debate on Jews, whether Jewish the ethnicity and culture should be separated from Judaism the religion.