Remote Access to Jellyfin with VPN Tunnel and Reverse Proxy

Keywords: #tech
Jellyfin is a noob-friendly media server that anyone can host at home. The basic setup is very easy since all the configuration can be done from the interactive web UI, and there exists many options for accessing the Jellyfin server from Internet securely. This is a guide for myself and others to reference in the future. Make sure you have done the following tasks already: Jellyfin is installed and can be accessed from local network.

Setting Up Baikal With Caddy as Reverse Proxy in Docker

Keywords: #tech
Baikal is a lightweight CalDav/CardDav server that offers a web interface for management and is simple to setup. You can read more about the internet standards it supports here. If you are looking for an alternative for Baikal, check out Radicale. As far as I know, the main difference between these two is that instead of storing data in a SQL database, Radicale stores all information in .ics files. So far I am having no problem with Baikal (and by so far I mean…a week) and it is running stably.

First Post

Keywords: #meta
Welcome to my blog! This is a checkmark post to test if Hugo runs correctly. Everything posted earlier are transferred from my old blog, which is why you might see some weird formatting issues.

Comments on a Selection of Books (Non-Fiction Part)

Keywords: #book
This is not a book recommendation post. I am just here to talk about a selection of books I read in 2022 and Jan. 2023 that I found interesting or thought-provoking, but not necessarily good. I apologize for taking so long and not proofreading. Excuse all my grammar or whatever mistakes pleasu! This is the non-fiction part. On the Heights of Despair by Emil Cioran This is an unrelated anecdote,

Comments on A Selection of Books (Fiction Part)

Keywords: #book
This is not a book recommendation post. I am just here to talk about a selection of books I read in 2022 and Jan. 2023 that I found interesting or thought-provoking, but not necessarily good. I also didn’t read a lot of fictions this year. I will write the non-fiction part later. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.Salinger I first read it in Chinese back when I was still

A Collection of Random Posts I Abandoned

Keywords: #others
I got told to post them so here they are. “Internet_arguments” Some argued that internet arguments are a pure waste of time in which two sides bark at each other to reach a conclusion hid at the end of infinity. As a professional internet surfer, I am obligated to refute that statement. Participating in internet arguments is only an affordable exercise to boost your IQ, but also a precious piece

Some Quick Updates

Keywords: #meta
The personal website/landing page is migrated to a different VPS. Cloudflare service is now completely yeeted. I should have done this earlier. Well yeah you could figure out these on your own but I felt like announcing them. I was browsing some newsletter softwares and they all look very soy. Most of my readers use RSS anyway so I wouldn’t venture into it. I reread my first post and realized that I am failing my promise.